WATCH! George Clooney Furious With Obama: Leaves Him Holding the Bag!

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, folks. Not for George Clooney or Barack Obama, though. No, their little political soap opera is spiraling into a glorious dumpster fire, and we’re just here to roast marshmallows while it burns.

Turns out “Hollywood’s favorite activist” George Clooney is furious with his old buddy “King of the Spineless Orchestrators” Barack Obama. Why, you ask? Because Obama played Clooney like a fiddle, got him to publicly push Joe Biden out of the 2024 race, and then bolted as soon as everything went sideways. Now Clooney is whining that he’s being blamed for the epic failure of Kamala Harris’s catastrophic loss to Donald Trump.

You couldn’t script a better episode of “When Elites Attack” if you tried.

Hollywood’s Hero Turned Political Pawn

Ah, George Clooney, the guy who thinks starring in “Ocean’s Eleven” somehow qualifies him to orchestrate actual political heists. But this time, it looks like he got outplayed by a much more seasoned con man. According to multiple reports, Obama nudged Clooney to do his dirty work. See, Obama didn’t want to be seen as a “traitor” for pushing Sleepy Joe off the ticket, so he outsourced the job to good ol’ George.

And George? Oh, he fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.

He penned a fiery op-ed over the summer questioning Biden’s mental fitness, saying, and I quote, “It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F**ing deal’ Biden of 2010.”* Translation: “Joe’s lost it, y’all. We’re not winning with this guy.”

Not long after, Biden announced he wouldn’t seek reelection. Coincidence? I think not. Obama’s fingerprints were all over it, but he had George out front to take the shots. You can almost hear Obama behind the scenes like a puppet master, whispering, “Don’t worry, George, you’ll be a hero.”

Spoiler alert: He was not.

The Kamala Catastrophe: Blame Game Begins

With Biden out of the way, the plan was simple—install Kamala Harris as the new face of the Democratic Party. The left-wing media swooned. Celebrities like Beyoncé and other Hollywood elites hit the campaign trail to hype her up like she was some sort of political savior. And who was leading this charge? You guessed it: George “Water Boy” Clooney.

Fast forward to November, and it all comes crashing down. Kamala Harris gets absolutely clobbered by Donald Trump, and suddenly the Dems are looking for a scapegoat. Guess who they found?

George. Clooney.

According to reports, Clooney now feels like he was set up by Obama, and honestly, he’s not wrong. Obama has since vanished from the scene, leaving George to deal with the angry mob of disillusioned Democrats. One insider put it perfectly: “George is furious with Obama for disappearing after the election disaster and leaving him holding the bag for pushing the plan with his Hollywood pals.”

Translation: Obama ghosted him.

Now, George is reportedly telling friends that he’s done being anyone’s “political water boy.” He’s out. He’s tired. He’s hurt. Poor George. Maybe he should go star in a rom-com about betrayal and broken bromances. “Ocean’s One: The Clooney Con Job.”

Obama: The Master Manipulator Disappears Once Again

Let’s not forget the man behind the curtain: Barack “Feckless Weasel” Obama. If there’s one thing Obama knows how to do, it’s “orchestrate from the shadows and dip out before the fallout.”

According to insiders, Obama didn’t want to be seen as the guy who told Biden to step aside, so he let Clooney play that role. It’s classic Obama: Take credit for success, dodge blame for failure.

Remember, this is the same Obama who blamed everyone but himself for his failures as president. The economy tanked? “Bush’s fault.”
Healthcare costs exploded? “It’s the system’s fault.”
Joe Biden’s campaign collapse? “Not me, it was George Clooney.”

This time, he used his old buddy George like a pawn on a chessboard. As soon as Kamala’s loss was official, Obama vanished like a fart in the wind. And now, George is left looking like the fool who sunk the ship.

No surprise here, folks. This is Obama’s M.O. He never takes the blame. He’s too busy kite-surfing with billionaires and giving speeches for $500,000 a pop. If you think Obama is going to ride in and help George clean up this mess, you haven’t been paying attention for the past 15 years.

Final Thoughts

This whole saga is the perfect example of what happens when you let the elite class play kingmaker. Clooney thought he was the puppet master, but it turns out he was just another marionette on Obama’s string. Now he’s out here talking about how betrayed he feels, like he’s the victim. Give me a break, George.

Meanwhile, Obama is back to doing what he does best: hiding in plain sight, letting others take the heat. And if you think this is the last time Obama will pull something like this, think again. This guy lives for the long con. He’ll be sipping lattes while George Clooney drowns in a sea of Democratic blame.

Lesson of the day? Don’t take orders from a spineless orchestrator.

But don’t worry, George. Maybe Hollywood will make a movie about your story. You can call it: “Clooney’s Calamity: How Barack Set Me Up.” Heck, I’d watch it just to see who they cast as Obama. Probably himself, since we all know he loves the spotlight.

Source: Red Right Updates!