In a fiery exchange, President Donald Trump confronted Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass regarding the bureaucratic obstacles that are preventing wildfire victims from reclaiming their properties. It was clear to everyone watching—Bass was caught in a web of her own deception, employing the same tired tactics that the corrupt left often resorts to: misdirection, buzzwords, and endless red tape.

The 18-Month Permit Scam

Residents were informed they would face an astonishing 18-month wait just to obtain permits before they could even begin clearing their devastated lots. Imagine that! Families who have lost everything are being forced to navigate this labyrinth of bureaucracy while Bass and her associates erect barriers at every turn.

When Trump pressed Bass about this outrageous timeline, she resorted to the classic politician’s playbook—she lied. Right there in front of Trump and the residents, she claimed they were “expediting” the process and would get things moving swiftly. Spoiler alert: they’re not.

The “Hazardous Waste” Excuse

Bass and her team are throwing around all the usual buzzwords—“hazardous waste,” “safety concerns,” and “proper procedures”—to justify their sluggishness. It’s all nonsense. What’s really happening here? A blatant money grab.

California, under Governor Gavin “Newscum” Newsom, seeks full control over the cleanup process so they can hire their own contractors, hand out lucrative contracts to friends, and skim profits while families languish in despair. This is corruption at its peak—playing politics while people’s lives lie in ruins.

Trump Calls It Like It Is

Trump, never one to sugarcoat his words, called Bass out on the spot. “Why are these people being told they have to wait 18 months?” he challenged, forcing Bass into an awkward retreat. She attempted to claim that progress was being made quickly, but neither Trump nor the residents were convinced.

<p“People are willing to clean out their own debris,” Trump asserted. “They can get a dumpster and do it themselves.” And he’s absolutely right! Why should these individuals be forced to sit idle while their properties remain untouched and bureaucrats continue to collect hefty paychecks?

The Real Agenda: Follow the Money

Let’s be clear—the left has no genuine concern for wildfire victims. Their priority is lining their pockets and maintaining their grip on power. The LA commissions aren’t delaying for safety; they’re ensuring that their allies profit, directing funds exactly where they want them.

Trump proposed using emergency powers to expedite recovery efforts immediately. Naturally, Bass resisted this suggestion, sticking with her familiar strategy of delay and deceit. “We need to be safe,” she insisted. Safe? The real danger lies in allowing these corrupt politicians to remain in power.

The Bottom Line

Bass and Newsom shouldn’t merely be voted out—they should face criminal charges. When you obstruct people from rebuilding their lives for political favors and financial gain, that’s nothing short of criminal behavior. Californians deserve far better than this disgraceful display of corruption and incompetence.

Final Thoughts

The residents of Los Angeles and all across California must awaken to the corruption glaring them in the face. Trump is right—stop waiting for government intervention because they’re only interested in enriching themselves.



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Source: Red Right Updates!