Megyn Kelly Blows the Whistle on Campus Extremism
By The Angry Republican, Steadfast in Our Commitment to American Values
Megyn Kelly recently devoted a good part of her podcast to discussing Mahmoud Khalil, the Columbia University graduate now facing deportation over his participation in pro-Hamas activities on campus. Kelly brought up a heated issue about how our educational institutions are sometimes used to further foreign agendas, noting that Khalil’s actions on campus have represented a much broader problem that many conservatives have been warning about. During the podcast, she explained that when we grant entry to talented students from around the world, it is with the hope they will contribute to our nation. Instead, some use the opportunity to participate in activities that undermine our values and legal system.
In a pointed discussion, Kelly stressed that Secretary of State Marco Rubio has every right to label Khalil as a threat and move forward with the deportation process. She argued that Khalil took advantage of a “golden ticket” into the United States. As she put it, “He got a golden ticket into the United States of America. We gave him a student visa, he got into one of our most prestigious universities. We let him study alongside American kids who are the next generation of leadership. And what did he do? He decided to join up with this group that is, without a question, pro-Hamas, that was allegedly distributing pro-Hamas pamphlets, leaflets, promotional materials. He was extremely defensive of what had been done by Hamas on 10/7. And he recognized that even though he was here on a temporary status – yes, we gave him a green card, but you’re not a citizen yet – that he should be in more of a supportive role of this organization that was organizing the hell on Columbia’s campus, but he still took part. He couldn’t quite keep it together long enough to get citizenship. It was that important to him. And so, by his own admission, he was a spokesperson for the group.” These clear words highlight Kelly’s frustration with the fact that higher education is sometimes seen as an open door for those who later choose to go against American interests.
Kelly did not hold back as she described shocking footage from the night when a mob took over a building at Columbia. The images were hard to watch, yet they serve as undeniable proof of the volatile events unfolding on campus. In a dramatic turn during the clip, as events spiraled out of control, Kelly found a moment to inject her own brand of irony by wishing Khalil well: “enjoy Syria!” Her sardonic remark is a stark reminder of the anger felt by many Americans who see incidents like these as a betrayal of the immigrant privilege granted by our nation.
For those interested in watching the full discussion and the dramatic moments Kelly referenced, you can view the clips below:
If you haven’t seen it, there is also footage capturing the moment when Khalil was arrested:
Many believe that the occurrence at Columbia is not an isolated incident but rather a symptom of a larger problem. The radical left, according to Kelly, still has not come to grips with the new reality where actions have consequences. When our standards are lowered, we risk welcoming individuals who use the freedom of our educational institutions to cause disruption and even support extremist ideologies. Kelly’s comments hit home with those of us who are tired of seeing college campuses turned into battlegrounds for political extremism. The situation is one that requires a firm call to action if we are to protect the rights and safety of American citizens.
The debate over Khalil’s actions, his arrest, and subsequent deportation is stirring intense discussions across the country. Many conservatives worry that if these issues are not addressed, similar cases will only grow more frequent. The situation reminds us that when we relax our stance on national security, those who intend to do harm can slip right through the cracks. It is a heated reminder to all readers that vigilance is key to preserving both our national identity and the values that make this country great.
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