Bureaucratic Blunders: How Biden’s Red Tape is Choking Rural Broadband

By Angry Republican News – October 10, 2023

For those fed up with the endless government overreach, the Biden administration’s rural broadband initiative is yet another example of big-government schemes gone awry. A recent conversation between comedian Jon Stewart and New York Times columnist Ezra Klein has shed light on the absurdly convoluted process behind an initiative that, on the surface, promises to bring much-needed broadband to rural America.

Political conservatives have been ringing the alarm bell, decrying an administration that hides behind layers of bureaucracy. The initiative, although popular among many voters who see the dire need for improved internet access, is mired in what can only be described as red tape—an ever-expanding labyrinth of procedures that delay progress and waste taxpayer money.

At the heart of this controversy is a step-by-step breakdown of the process, detailed during a conversation that showed Stewart visibly frustrated with each bureaucratic hurdle. Conservatives argue that while the need for broadband expansion is undeniable, the administration’s approach—with its multiple departments, endless approvals, and contradictory mandates—is doomed to fail in delivering quick, tangible improvements.

Critics point out that the overly complicated and inflexible nature of the process not only undermines the initiative’s goals but also highlights a troubling trend of inefficient government management. Instead of streamlining operations to meet urgent community needs, the Biden administration appears more intent on bureaucracy, which many believe misallocates precious resources and stifles innovation.

Dissecting the Bureaucracy

The conversation between Stewart and Klein, which has now circulated widely on social media, serves as a microcosm of the broader issues plaguing government-led projects. The detailed transcript below leaves no doubt as to the extent of the bureaucratic quagmire:

Ezra Klein: “We have to issue the notice funding opportunity within 180 days that’s step one.

Step Two: States who want to participate must submit a letter of intent. After they do that, they can submit a request for up to $5 million in planning grants. Then the NTIA Step Four has to review and approve an award again. States who want to participate must submit that letter of intent.

Step three: “They can request up to $5 million in planning grants. Just planning, just planning.

Step four : “The requests are reviewed, approved and awarded by the NTIA.” States must submit a five year action plan. All 56 had passed through at least step 5, it took more than 3 years.

[Step 6] Then the FCC, must publish the broadband data maps before NTIA allocates funds. So having done the no vote. So the letters of intent, the the the request for planning grants, then the review approval and awarding of the planning grants, then the five year action plans in between that the federal government has to put forward a map saying where it thinks we need rural broadband subsidies. And then, of course, the states need an opportunity to challenge the map for accuracy.

step seven So then the NTIAhas to use the FCC maps to make allocation decisions. It’s hard even to talk about this, man.
Step eight is states must submit an initial proposal to the NTIA.”

Jon Stewart: “But then what was the five year plan and what the fuck did they apply for?”

Ezra Klein: “Step nine NTIA must review and approve each state’s again initial proposal. By my read, we have had at least two initial proposals here, but that’s a different issue.

Step ten. States must publish their own map and allow internal challenges to their own map.

This transcript makes it impossible to ignore the reality: an administration that seems more interested in bureaucratic procedure than in delivering practical solutions to everyday Americans.

The Conservative Perspective

For Conservatives and many taxpayers, this lengthy and convoluted process is a grave reminder of why small government and reduced federal intervention are so crucial. When government agencies waste years and millions of dollars on administrative games, it is the hardworking people of rural America who ultimately suffer the consequences. Instead of wasting time on endless red tape, the federal government should be working on streamlined solutions that deliver real results.

The argument is clear: Every additional bureaucratic layer not only delays critical technological improvements but also magnifies the flaws of an already dysfunctional system. The initiative, though designed to bridge the digital divide, risks becoming a casualty of its own administrative bloat.

Watch the Conversation Unfold

To see the raw, unfiltered discussion for yourself, check out the embedded conversation:

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